Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Let's keep it simple," He says.

I have never, in my entire life, been a quiet person.

You can ask anyone. 
I have always been loud, outspoken, long-winded, 
a girl prone to giving too much information. 
I lack the ability to enjoy silence and the skill to sit amidst it without putting my foot in my mouth or making myself look completely ridiculous.

That's always been me. That's always been who I am.

But what often happens, when you make drastic life changes, 
is you get the chance to reinvent yourself 
and see who you become when you are no longer in the comfort zone.

Here, I am rather shy. Haha I know. Shocker.
I am shy and quiet and a regular homebody.
Part of it is because I'm submerged in a culture 
with a language I don't understand a majority of the time 
and therefore I can't really contribute to the conversations much anyway.
And the other part of it is...I'm rather enjoying the silence now.
For years I've been all about telling stories. 
Telling stories to everyone and anyone about everything and anything.

But I've been musing a lot on the ideas God must have had in sending me here.
Me, the most talkative person in the world,
to a place where I can't really talk that much.

Obviously, there's something I've got to hear.

I think this year is all about listening. 
To my students, to my grandparents, to my family.
Listening to the story God is trying to tell me through all of them.
Listening to the lessons God is trying to give me through the silence.

One thing that comes with that is the call for simplicity. 
Sometimes, too many words complicate things.
And in a place as simply beautiful as Maydolong?
Complicating things is an injustice to it.

In class, I have to be explicit when I explain things. 
I can no longer rely on the implications because my students don't know them.
My references differ from theirs. So I need to simplify.
Not dumb down. They aren't lacking in intelligence.
No, they deserve more than that
And so, they force me to be creative. It's easier for me to adapt to them
than ask all of them to change for me.
Therefore, it's about listening. Listening to how they speak and the jokes they make. Listening to the questions they have and opening myself up to hear them.

In the classroom God has whispered,"Let's keep it simple,"

And I intend to do just that.

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