Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ra Ra Spirit!

In the three years that I went to CSUSB I wasn't big on attending school events. Other than theater work I just couldn't be bothered to find the time for school related activities. But that was mostly because at a commuter school like CSUSB, unless you're in the club or really really active in ASI it doesn't seem like there is a lot of participation. Not to mention the fact that with a school of over 10,000 it's hard to truly achieve any kind of mass involvement. At a UC maybe it's a little different. Most are on campus, after all. But at CSUSB where the majority of students are either working a job in addition to school or supporting a family in addition to school, it just didn't happen.

But in ESSU-Maydolong? In the Philippines in general? School spirit and involvement is one of the things that keeps students in school. You add the natural camaraderie of a small town with the strength of a batchmate's bond and it's easy to see why events like Founder's Day and the Intramurals are fun events for the school.

The Founding Anniversary
I had no idea about the Founding Anniversary was even coming. When I saw it on my Academic Calendar I figured it was one of those things that was acknowledged and that maybe there would be some free things at school to celebrate. But otherwise classes would resume as normal. Boy, was I wrong. 

There were no classes. Instead there were special presentations by different groups of students as well as teachers, mostly dances which is fun for all students as they support not only their peers...

but their teachers too.

I, personally, got excited when I would see students of mine participating. Strangely proud of them in a way that I couldn't explain. It reminded me of all the times I would go see the Youth at their schools performing and I had this urge to do my Mama Aarika cheer, but I refrained. We had only known each other for two weeks.

But anyway, then there was the much awaited "Gay Marathon"

No. I didn't stutter. "Gay Marathon".

"What's a Gay Marathon?" You ask, well...I asked as well and I don't think I really grasped what it was until I saw it for myself, but basically it is when a male representative from each department: BSIT, BSED, BEED, and BS Criminology,  is chosen to dress in their best gown and heels. They parade in front of the entire school from one end of the campus to the other and then RACE each other back. They actually run, in their heels and dress and whoever wins...well...wins. Haha.

It was probably the most bizarre, hilarious, and exciting races I had ever witnessed in my life and I wish I had been more prepared for it, but all in all it's one of those things that I will remember for the rest of my life. I'm dying to post more pictures and a few choice videos, because I have so many. But internet is so choppy right now that it would take me an entire day to try. The hard thing about trying to be a consistent blogger is that, in spite of the fact that I have internet, the internet is not very reliable. It takes me hours to upload three to four pictures so I've turned to leaving my computer on at night to let it load properly.

But I will try again. So try not to be too disappointed.

Until next time.

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