Monday, January 21, 2013

This year I get two birthdays. =]

When I turned 20, God gave contentment and confidence in the wake of my second year of college. I was at the beginning of a new ministry endeavor and feeling invincible with God on my side.

At 21 I was in Vegas, awkwardly maneuvering through my first round of drinks and blushing my way through ordering them. (Who comes up with some of these vulgar names huh?) But at the same time God also gave me perspective on what it means to be an adult and the responsibility of conduct that comes with it.
This time last year, at 22, I watched two of my dearest friends join together in holy matrimony. God gave me their example of a Christ-centered love and reminded me of what it is I'm praying for: the love of a husband who loves Christ more than he loves me.

This year, at 23, I'm in the Philippines, in my last stretch of my year abroad, contemplating  where to go after this and completely in awe of the gifts God has given year-round.

But at this moment, I know that God has truly given me rest in Him, which is something I have been sorely lacking in the last 22 years of my life. God has given me rest and serenity in His presence. He has also given me new ambition and a passionate love for the new and old people in my life. These are things that stagger me and I just can't believe the omnipotence of the Lord, sometimes.

The truth is I never really pictured myself reaching 23.

I think I've said this before, but I always thought the rapture would have happened by now and I would forever live in heaven at the ripe age of 16 or 17. Just imagine my surprise when on my 18th birthday I woke up and was still on Earth! Haha!

But, I'm 23. Six years older than I thought I would be in heaven and, now that I've reached this point, I can't help but praise God for His omniscience.

He apparently has a lot of plans for me before I go home to be with Him.

For instance, He planned for me to:

- Graduate college
- Leave home
- Live abroad
- Meet people who would change my life.
- Be changed  by a country and a people and a lifestyle that has always been a part of me.
- love Him more because of it.

And I can't wait to find out what else He's got planned.

"Happy Birthday"

I've had my share of parties,
party dresses, party hats,
party favors, party themes,
I've really had all that.

I've had potluck lunches,
Pizza outings, movie dates,
Even a trip to Vegas
With free drinks and buffet plates

I've had dinner with my girlfriends
and with guy friends alike,
I've had all you can eat sushi
as a tradition on my birth night

But more than that I've had instances
of God's unwavering grace,
His love that has always showered me
And helped me face all that I've faced.

This year was very different,
More tame, if anything.
I'm here without my parents
and my brother and sister to sing.

There is no five part harmony
to the birthday song for me
No church family mooching food,
or youth to remind me I'm 23

But I am continually blessed
by the differences here,
The new faces and new friendships
I've made throughout the year.

I may not be home right now
To celebrate my birth,
But "home" has evolved to encompass more
Than where my house is on Google Earth

God, you have been so good to me,
The present of this year
Has been more than I could have ever hoped.
Thank you for bringing me here.

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