Monday, July 12, 2010

In the future, but stuck in the past.

So, my sleeping schedule has been a little ridiculous:

The earlier I sleep, the easier it is to sleep through the night.

The later I sleep....well...the earlier I wake up.

Gah! How fair is that?!?

Ah well. What can you do about it? I will say this though. Waking up earlier gets me some uninterrupted computer time with the internet all to myself. XD "nax! what a bonus!" So, let's do a quick recap on yesterday...or rather the today that happened yesterday, and when I am able to find the camera later, I'll add pictures.

But here's what to expect in my next post:
[these are not pictures I took, just ones i found. The ones i took will be posted, but they pretty much are summed by these ones.]

Our trip to Ocean Park

Where we encountered fish that eat dead skin for 120ph/20 minutes (or 10 minutes with purchase of Ocean Park Ticket

And also, an AMAZING and soothing Jellyfish display

Then our venture into the Mall of Asia

where we got a little something for one of my dearest cousins.

Then trekked to TriNoma
just end our day with the Ju-Ju Boy worn out and cranky.
Good day. Hopefully I'll have pictures up soon.

till later.

1 comment:

Holly Knitlightly said...

Ah! I don't know if I could put my feet in with those fish! Haha. I think I would keep getting freaked out and pull my feet out. I hope you start to sleep better soon! I know exactly what it's like... lame!